Hearing issues due to excessive noise in the workplace are common in the U.K. Health and Safety Executive (HSE), a government agency responsible for the enforcement of safety and health laws in the country, estimated that 21,000 workers from 2016 to 2019 suffered from work-related hearing problems. Constant exposure to high levels of noise could result in a range of auditory problems, such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears), temporary deafness and permanent loss of hearing.
The good news is that construction workers, along with other industrial professionals frequently exposed to loud noises, can protect their ears by wearing earplugs. A good place to purchase industrial earplugs is at Ultimate Ear Protection, a trusted provider of industrial-strength hearing protection devices.
By protecting your ears on the job site, you can minimise the negative effects of the following workplace hearing hazards:
Industrial Heavy Machinery
Large equipment found in processing facilities and manufacturing plants produces high levels of occupational noise. A compressor is one of the types of machinery that generate high levels of noise. An occupational health report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that this piece of heavy machinery could produce sound pressure levels that go beyond 105 decibels (dB). Any sound that exceeds 85 dBA can damage your ears over time.
Certain types of motor can also emit loud noises. The sound produced by a motor fan, for instance, can get noisy under specific conditions. The report discussed that the noise level goes up sharply when the rotational speed of the equipment’s shaft rises to 3600 revolutions per minute (RPM). The sound pressure of a motor with this RPM can reach 106 dBA.
Pneumatic Tools
These are hand tools powered by compressed air. Common examples include jackhammers, grinders and drills. The WHO report revealed that the noise levels of pneumatic tools go as high as 110 dBA.
Additionally, using pneumatic tools near the ear without wearing any form of hearing protective equipment is dangerous. Pressurised air that is greater than 40 pound-forces per square inch (psi) could rupture the eardrums, which might result in haemorrhage and death.
Construction Work Areas
Construction worksites and land development areas utilise heavy equipment and tools that generate unhealthy noise levels. Construction labourers and workers are exposed to these noises almost every day, as they’re required to use these tools and machinery in their job. An article by EHS Today, an occupational safety and health magazine, reports that the noise levels in these sites can be dangerous to a person’s ears. The level of noise on these places often surpasses 90 dBA.
Protect Your Ears from Loud Noises Today
Our industrial earplugs safeguard your hearing from the loud noise levels generated by industrial heavy equipment and pneumatic tools. They also protect your ears when you’re required to work at a construction site.
We made our earplugs following HSE’s Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. Our custom-made products have different levels of attenuation to help you mitigate the noise levels in your workplace.
You can look forward to a quality product when you order our earplugs. We manufacture all our hearing protection devices to the highest standards in an ISO-certified UK-based manufacturing laboratory.
Get in touch with us to learn more about our range of products.