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The skin on the outer part of the ear canal has special glands that produce ear wax, also known as cerumen. We have this natural wax is to protect the ear from damage and infections. Normally, a small amount of wax accumulates and then dries up and falls out of the ear canal, carrying with it unwanted dust or sand particles.
Ear wax is helpful to coat the skin of the ear canal where it acts as a temporary water repellent. The absence of ear wax may result in dry, itchy ears, and even infection. Ear wax is formed in the outer third of the ear canal.
Microsuction (Wax Removal)
The microsuction technique uses gentle suction to clean the ear, and is much safer and more comfortable than all other forms of ear cleaning, including syringing and irrigation. A small, thin probe is directed at the ear wax and/or infection discharge in the ear canal, and the gentle suction is applied to remove the blockage. With microsuction there is no need for pre-treatment, e.g. olive oil or ear drops.
The microsuction technique is widely regarded as the safest, most comfortable and quickest means of ear cleaning. No outdated ear syringing, messy oil treatment or dangerous and ineffective Hopi ear candles! Our specialist microsuction equipment, in the hands of our trained experts, is far safer and more comfortable than other forms of ear wax removal.
Why Does Earwax Vary in Colour and Texture?
Cerumen varies in form, colour, and appearance from person to person.
It may be almost liquid, firm and solid, or dry and flaky.
The colour of ear wax varies depending upon its composition.
Glandular secretions, sloughed skin cells, normal bacteria present on the surface of the canal, and water may all be in earwax.
The ear canals are considered to be self-cleaning. This means that ear wax and sloughed skin cells typically pass on their own from the inside of the ear canal to the outer opening. Old earwax moves from the deeper areas of the canal out to the opening. At the opening of the canal the ear wax usually dries up and falls out of the canal.